Winickoff Selected as Greenwall Faculty Scholar
Carolyn Merchant Awarded Berkeley Research Futures Grant
Commencement address by Dr. Florence Wambugu, CEO, Africa Harvest
Graduation day is a significant and memorable event in one's life time. It marks a transition from one phase of life to another.
Nancy Amy, Kathleen Ryan honored with College Distinguished Teaching Award
J. Keith Gilless named Interim Dean
Professor J. Keith Gilless has been appointed interim dean of the College of Natural Resources effective July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008.
University Medal Finalist Betty Sousa
This year, CNR student Betty Sousa was one of four finalists for the University Medal.
Forestry Student’s Senior Project Applies New Technology to Old Data
Kyle Dukart and Matt Fratus Receive CNR's Staff Recognition Award
This year’s recipients of the CNR Staff Recognition Award are Matt Fratus and Kyle Dukart. The annual award was created to honor outstanding service by CNR staff.
Assistant Professor Auffhammer Receives CNR Young Faculty/CE Specialist Award
Turning back the demographic hands of time for an endangered species
Increased production of biofuels might help farmers & address climate change, but it could inflate food prices
Editorial: Unabomber has no place on list of alumni who "excelled"
Mine Runoff Continues To Provide Clues To Microbial Diversification
Does Early Daylight Savings Really Save Energy?
A world without bees is a world without chocolate
By documenting bee diversity and populations in urban gardens throughout California, Gordon Frankie is discovering which flowering plants attract native bees and determining whether urban gardens can support bees.