Viewpoints: We can harness green energy by managing California forests
Forest management can lead to cleaner air, safer communities and lower firefighting costs, yet its greatest value may lie in addressing climate change and what it keeps hidden underground.
Exploring the Sierra with Naturalist John Muir Laws
* Event Location: Berkeley REI
* Event Fee: Free
* Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (PDT)
* Presenter: John (Jack) Muir Laws
* Group Size: 75
Berkeley Butterfly Walk
by Steven Finacom
About a dozen people joined eminent UC entomologist Jerry Powell on Saturday, May 29, 2010 for a leisurely butterfly-watching walk along trails at the top of Berkeley’s Panoramic Hill.
John Casazza Returns from a Volunteer Assignment in the Republic of Georgia
John Casazza, an agribusiness management consultant from San Francisco, CA as well as the Alumni Association Board President at the College of Natural Resources, recently returned from a volunteer assignment in the Republic of Georgia where he adv
Agriculture Briefs: Presentation on pollinators
Three UC specialists will speak June 5 on the status of Sonoma County's bees and other pollinators.
CNR Awards
In early May the College of Natural Resources held its annual Awards Ceremony and presented the CNR Citation, the CNR Staff Award, the Career Achievement Award and finally the CNR Young Faculty/CE Specialist Award to four outstanding individuals w