ARE professor David Zilberman authored this post for the Berkeley Blog on the rise of agroecology and the slow food movement. Zilberman also discusses the future of agriculture and the interplay of industrialized farming and naturalized agriculture systems.
ESPM professor Todd Dawson is featured in this Science Friday interview on California redwoods and the role of fog in keeping the redwoods hydrated and healthy. Dawson notes that the coastal redwoods "have still been getting that summer fog, and so they don't seem to be as affected by this current drought as the trees that are gorwing up in the mountains."
ARE professor David Sunding is featured in this KCET article that examines Sunding's 2015 research analysis on the California WaterFix project. The 2015 report noted that although the project made economic sense for urban water customers, the Waterfix does not provide benefits in excess of costs for most agricultural water users.
CNR dean Keith Gilless was quoted in this article and in the video on cannabis cultivation and its impack on the environment. Gilless, who chairs the California Board of Forestry and FIre Protection, noted that the situation is evolving rapidly and agencies need to coordinate efforts and responsibilities.
ESPM professor Scott Stephens is featured in this California Magazine article on FEMA's recent cancellation of federal grants earmarked for East Bay Hills fuel reduction efforts led by UC Berkeley and the City of Oakland.
ESPM professor Rachel Morello-Frosch co-authored this op-ed for the Sacramento Bee on ways to incorporate environmental justice concerns with environmental equity and sustainability goals. Morello-Frosch notes that cap and trade emissions programs don't always yield localized greenhouse reductions.
ESPM alum Rachael Freeman Long is featured in this Capital Press article on a report published by Professor Claire Kremen and Long this spring on the effects of hedgerow restoration on pest control and pollination. Strips of wildflowers planted next to fruit and nut orchards can serve as a habitat for native bees and help with pest control by attractiving beneficial insects which wander into adjacent crops sand ward off natural enemies, noted Long.
ESPM CE Specialist and adjunct professor Matteo Garbelotto is featured in this Guardian article about dying trees across the United States. In California, millions of trees have been suffered from Sudden Oak Death. Garbelotto’s team developed a mobile app that users can direct at a given tree to determine its risk for disease, and what they can do to protect it.
PMB professor Krishna Niyogi is featured in this Berkeley Lab news article on a newly discovered algal enzyme that could help improve efficiency of photosynthesis and boost crop productivity.